The Commonwealth has announced a tender to buy up to 70 gigalitres (70,000ML) of water entitlements from willing sellers in parts of the Southern Basin. The Tender will open in the week of the 15 July and will seek to purchase entitlements from the following zones / valleys:
- Murrumbidgee (Zone 13)
- NSW Murray (Zone 10 and Zone 11)
- Ovens and King
- Vic Murray (Zone 7 and Zone 6)
- SA Murray (Zone 12)
A minimum volume of 10ML will be required to participate.
Within the above zones any entitlements held within an Irrigation District such as WMI, MI, CICL, CIT or RIT will not be considered as part of this Tender.
Further Expressions of Interest and Tenders will occur later in 2024 and into 2025 to consider entitlements from areas which are not included in this initial Tender.
If you are considering participating in the Commonwealth Tender the best place for advice is your local Ruralco Water broker. We can determine if your entitlements will be considered eligible, give you the best advice possible in respect of price and guide you through the complete process.
Any enquiries can also be directed to